Bánh Mì Đặc Biệt
A few weeks ago a friend recommended a local animal farm petting zoo to me. My Snow White husband loves animals, and especially bunnies and since I saw they had an area where you can hold and pet bunnies, I suggested it to him and a week later, we were there. He fell in love with one of the bunnies on our trip and spent the entire weekend contemplating adoption because the venue advertised that you could adopt almost any of the animals on the premises. Unfortunately when we finally made the decision to go back and adopt the one he wanted, we were misled and the bunny was gone. The next few days, my husband spent depressed in mourning that his bunny was gone. He was a really sad boy.
We scoured the internet looking for a similar place to adopt baby bunnies, but the challenge was also looking for a similar bunny and a young one. Then on Thursday, we found him. We made the journey the next day to bring him home. It was a bit of a drive there and back, but ultimately, it was worth it. My husband’s heart is now whole again, lol. There is no more gaping hole left from the bunny that was lost.
Please welcome to the family, our baby boy, Banh Mi!
Birthdate: April 25, 2022
Adoption Date: July 8, 2022
He’s a chocolate tort Netherland dwarf bunny. We learned that one of the other bunnies scuffed him up a day before we adopted him so his eye is currently a little injured. We were given a choice to adopt a similar bunny but when we met them both, we ultimately left with him because he was just too darn cute and we had already committed to loving him before meeting him anyway. We couldn’t leave him to be returned to his bullies (we were told he was not the aggressor but rather the other bunny who’s supposed to be a show bunny, was the mean one.) We had a carrier to take him home with us but he was such a good boy and calmly sat in my husband’s lap for the entire 3 hour trip back. He moved around curiously during parts of the trip but was relatively calm and sweet. So far he’s still acclimating to his new home and we’ve been treating his eye with Neosporin. Hopefully it heals soon. I feel so bad seeing it look so sad compared to his other eye.
So why the name Banh Mi? I named him this because he looks like the color of a Vietnamese sandwich and well, Asian people always name their pets after food for god knows why, lol. It’s also perfect because it sounds like bunny. It’s a perfect play on words for it. My husband hasn’t decided on his name for it him yet and so far keeps calling him Little Mans. He’s going to end up like an Asian American kid, with both an Vietnamese name and an American name, lol.
In retrospect, after all the trouble, I’m glad we ended up with him and missing out on the first bunny because he’s definitely much cuter. The woman we adopted him from was very friendly and knowledgeable and told us to contact her for any additional help and questions, where as the original venue we were trying to adopt from, was weird about answering any questions we had. No one had a consistent answer every time we tried to find out information. Sometimes things happen for a reason. It was all leading us to Banh Mi instead, who’s absolutely perfect. We’re hoping he grows to love us and live hoppily ever after with us as his new parents.
P.S. I’m not naturally an animal person - probably because I didn’t grow up having pets so I never felt a natural bond with them - but my husband is and it’s so stinking adorable watching him bond with this bunny, I could die watching all this cuteness.